Happy Halloween from Axolotl Alley!

I have been saving up material to start some how to blog posts but how could I pass up on Halloween?! I have 3 kids under 6 years old and my house has been bustling with costume talk, candy wrappers flying and ridiculous wee costumes! This week we carved pumpkins in preparation for next week and of course mine was a happy Axolotl. It was more cartoon-y than my normal artistic style but I'm not exactly a pro pumpkin carver and I thought the wee ones would like it :)
For fun I took some step by step photos and will be sharing them with you guys this week.
Step 1: Open the top. Ew

Step 2: Gut the pumpkin. I chose to bribe my children to do it with praise and junk food. Because slimy.

Step 3: Outline a silhouette I can possibly carve out of a 2.5" thick pumpkin.

Step 4: Butcher carving out the outline, cry to your husband about how you are out of coffee, bribe your children to clean it out again when you realize how much gross sh*t fell back in the pumpkin. Contemplate the concept of putting bits in the big blank space. Put weird wee eyes on toothpicks in the blank space.

Step 5: Light up pumpkin. Decide the eyes are creepy. Contemplate a new plan of attack for eyes.

Step 6: Decide to add weird cutouts to make the eyes big and cute to counter the creepy. 5 year old asks me where the Axolotl's mouth went. I guess we need a mouth.

Step 7: Add mouth, make cookies to combat my feelings of artistic inadequacy.

Step 7: Light up completed pumpkin, eat 80% of plate of caramel crunch cookies, feel satisfied.

So that's been my tuesday blog post! I hope all of you have a great week leading up to Halloween, and stay safe friends!
Thank you so much for stopping by,
-Amy B