What's New?

Hi Everyone!
So it's been a busy week over here in Axolotl Alley, here's what's new...
GOLDEN ALBINO- I have decided to name the newcomer "Brillar" which is Spanish for shining or brilliant. She (he? it?) has done great with the acclimation and her first week of QT, taking a jumbo bloodworm cube a day and growing right in front of my face, it's crazy! I'll measure her and reassess once a month is up but I still think she will need 2-3 months total in the 10 gallon for grow out.
WEBSITE PROGRESS- I feel like I am approximately 60% done the information section of the website, so YAY! The housing section was long and tedious but i'm mostly happy with what i've got up there now. As of today the following pages are completed: History, Water, Housing, My Axolotl. The following pages are started: Home, Resources. Untouched: Care, Diet, Biology, Breeding, FAQ.
I know it seems like there is more left than completed but the remaining sections do not have as much to cover as Housing did, or at least that is what i'm currently comforting myself with. I've been going through my books and my favorite online resources and taking down notes as to what i'd like to go over so hopefully the pre-construction helps speed things up somewhat. Next I will be covering Care, followed by Biology with both being completed by this time next week hopefully!
Take care and thank you so much for checking in!