New Addition

Hello to all!
I would like to start off by saying hi! It's been a few weeks of quiet on the blog. I've done my best to continue answering any questions and inquiries I receive via e-mail but have not made any posts or progress on the website.
I moved across the country (Edmonton, AB to Fredericton, NB)! My family decided to move back home out east where i'm from and I spent all of November packing, organizing and cleaning our condo for the new tenants and then all of December travelling and scattered to the winds for the Holidays. My daughter returns to school today giving me some glorious down time (wooo only 2 kids at home lol) and you all were top of my list. I'M BACK BABY.
I made the tough decision to re-home my entire colony. During my last move across country years ago I lost ALL of my stock in overnight transit due to mishandling at the airport and flight delays that turned overnight into days. It broke my heart to let them go this time but It would have destroyed me with guilt had they passed during transport, and at least this way they have good homes. I attempted to manage a move with coolers and DI water changes but there was not enough room in our vehicle. Such is the hobby.
I am focusing on staying positive. My stand, tank, canopy and all of my aquarium equipment survived transport in my shipping container with my other household things. I met a fellow Axolotl keeper here who sold me a juvenile Leucistic and gave me some established coldwater media. She (appears female) is in Quarantine in a 10gallon with daily water changes. I tried a sand substrate from the local pet store but as you can see in the above photo it has a larger grain size than i'm okay with upon addition so it was removed after day 1 and will be replaced with PFS (pool filter sand) later on this month.
I am thinking about names and will post more photos from the females first day next week during the blog post with a review of cost for setup and filtration.
Expect website construction to continue at it's previous rate of 1 completed page per 2 weeks.
Thank you all so much for your inquiries and patience!
-Amy B